The mobilization of people towards a common goal or purpose.

Leaders who ​​remain engaged create a cascade effect of engagement culture within the teams they lead. When a leader and their employees are engaged, it is reflected in the work that they produce, leading to a higher success and employee/client satisfaction rate. 

The LEaD process consists of two phases, the assessment phase and the growth phase.

The assessment phase (1st month of engagement) gives us a baseline look into your capacity for leadership (time management) and your ability to lead.

The growth phase (months 2 – 12) creates growth objectives that are tracked and measured monthly within your cohort. Additionally, each cohort has a monthly leadership emphasis that leaders focus on in their development.

Most leadership training programs are effective at instilling information, or leveraging data. People require more in order for real change to occur. They need information about the change, they need data to track the change. They also need an ongoing support structure that allows change to occur over time so that it takes permenant root as new behavior. Finally, change needs to understand that people have ups and downs and that change is not linear, it is a process.

We understand this and our leadership development philosophy focuses on all four of these leadership dimensions.


Transformational Leadership is one of the only leadership styles with strong research to back up its effectiveness. In short, research shows transformational leadership leads to higher performing individuals, higher performing teams, and an increase in employee engagement.

The latest Gallup poll shows that the average company in the US consists of 36% engaged employees. The rest are either disengaged or actively disengaged (i.e. toxic). Simply put, 64% of employees in the US lack leaders who are invested in, or have the skills to engage, an employee’s engagement.

The best leaders, the transformational leaders, hold an employee’s level of engagement as the most crucial factor to their employment, knowing that highly engaged employees produce the best product.

The EQi-360 is a part of the EQ-i suite of emotional intelligence tools. It is the same assessment as the EQ-i 2.0, simply in 360 form (the participant has raters giving feedback as well).

This is an incredibly robust tool on top of an emotional intelligence tool with decades of relevancy.

Effective leaders must know not only themselves, but how others experience them. Most EI tools offer a self-report on emotional intelligence which assesses awareness.

The EQ-i 360 also offers insight into how others experience the participant, allowing us to develop leadership skills around the perception gap (self vs. other) that most leaders experience.


The attributes of transformational leadership have been described as “The Five I’s” historically, and have been updated recently to be more accessable.

The Four I’s stand for “Idealized Influence, Inspirational Motivation, Individualized Consideration, and Intellectual Stimulation.

Multi-Health Systems redefined these terms as Authenticity, Insightfulness, Coaching and Innovation, respectively.

At the core, transformational leaders are role models, create aligned value and purpose, develop talent, and encourage innovation.


Resistance to change is unwillingness to adapt to new circumstances or ways of doing things. It can happen with individuals, relationships, or within organizations.

Transformational leadership is the key to improving employee engagement. It motivates, challenges and develops people in order for them to be empowered with innovative ideas that can help shape an organization’s future success.

Connect with us through our website and one of our teammates will happily assist you through the process!

Collaboration allows people with different skills, backgrounds and perspectives to achieve a goal collectively. Teamwork combines the individual efforts of all team members to achieve a goal.

When looking at leadership, most assessments failed to look at the time a leader invests in leading. Leadership does not happen by accident. It is an intentional process that requires an intentional allocation of time. A leader who does not take time to lead is a team member whose leadership has become another wasted resource.